Monday, February 20, 2012

online backup

Is it possible to create an online system for taking backup of SQL Server Database from browser.
One option for all the tables with all Primary Keys, etc. and Other one for Saving Data in all the database.
Thanks in Advance,
Vishwa VivekHi Vishwa
SQL database backups always contain full table definitions, keys, data etc..
It's literally a copy of the entire database. These are always "online" from
the point of view that other uses can continue using the database whilst the
backup is going on but not "online" from the internet point of view.
It's possible to create a system that backs up the tables, keys etc
separately from the data, but the application you build to do this is
probably not going to be "online" in that it will hold up other users from
using the system whilst your data backups are going on. It can be done
though - the SQL Enterprise Manager has features (script database for
scripting tables, keys etc & Export / Import wizard for backing up pure data
to various formats). The Enterprise Manager can access remote SQL Servers
over the internet, but it's not really an online application from the
internet sense.
To build such an app, you could produce .asp or .aspx code (or even .php or
other) that allows you to issue the correct commands to support either
database backups or your own custom table, key /. data backups but this
would be rolling your own code.
There are some web based management tools that have already been produced.
Here are a couple:
Greg Linwood
SQL Server MVP
"vishwavivek" <> wrote in message
> Sir,
> Is it possible to create an online system for taking backup of SQL Server
Database from browser.
> One option for all the tables with all Primary Keys, etc. and Other one
for Saving Data in all the database.
> Thanks in Advance,
> Vishwa Vivek

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