Saturday, February 25, 2012

Only Administrator May Connect

What would cause a SQL Server 2000 Clustered server to
output the error message listed below. This is a Windows
2000 Advanced Server. The error was pulled out of the SQL
Server Errorlog.
Error Message:
Login failed for user 'DALLAS\BLKSDRRT'. Only
administrators may connect at this time.
Thank You,
You may have the database access restricted to members of db_owner, dbcreator or sysadmins. Administrators can set this using either SQL Enterprise Manager or the sp_dboptions '[database name]','dbo use only' TSQL command. If you run the previous comman
d (and you are in the sysadmin role or db_owner role) it will tell you if it is "ON" or "OFF".
|||This can also occur if SQL Server it self has been set to single user mode.
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