Friday, March 30, 2012

OPENQUERY from ASP.NET Page Problem?

I'm performing a particular word Search in MS Word, Text, PDF docs and displaying the results through Index Server linked to SQL Server when
it is matched. For which I'm using Openquery in the stored procedure
which works fine in Query Analyzer of the SQL Server but doesn't work ( displays none of the results) when i call it from the ASP.NET Page. I am
not able to figure out Where and What is the problem?
The Stored Proc which is i'm using is shown below
Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your time and help in

CREATE PROCEDURE SelectIndexServerCVpaths
@.searchstring varchar(100)
SET @.searchstring = REPLACE( @.searchstring, '''', ''' )
TABLE_NAME = 'FileSearchResults')
DROP VIEW FileSearchResults
OPENQUERY(FileSystem,''SELECT Directory, FileName,
DocAuthor, Size, Create, Write, Path FROM
SCOPE('''' "c:\inetpub\wwwroot\sap-resources\Uploads" '''') WHERE
FREETEXT('' + @.searchstring + '')'')')
SELECT * FROM CVdetails C, FileSearchResults F WHERE C.CV_Path =
F.PATH AND C.DefaultID=1

which works with followin stat in Query Analyzer
Exec SelectIndexServerCVpaths
@.searchstring = 'The Search text'

but doesn't work when i connect it to a Datagrid in my ASP.NET Page
objcmd = new SqlCommand("SelectIndexServerCVpaths", objConn);
objcmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
objRdr = objcmd.ExecuteReader();

Has No-one got any idea the above Question ? Is the above problem that complicated ?


savvy wrote:

Has No-one got any idea the above Question ? Is the above problem that complicated ?

You question is not complicated but it is not valid implementation because SQL Server can perform what you want back in SQL Server 7.0 in 1999. Now if you can interested in valid solution post again and I can give you some links.

The reason Information Schema Views and Openquery are ANSI SQL for inter RDBMS( relational database management system) communication not for SQL Server and IIS index server. Hope this helps.


Thanks for your help. So, Is my analogy wrong ? I have implemented this because i need to link SQL server and Index Server so that i can grab the data in the SQL Server and i had no idea of other ways of achieving this .

If you got any information to get around this problem that will be really great as I've been trying to solve this problem since a week.

Thanks in Advance


Try these links the first deals with using both Image and text columns to get what you want and the second is SQL Server Full Text Blog, he was with the Microsoft SQL Server Full Text team. If you cannot find your solution in his blog he will answer your post at SQL Server Central forums. Hope this helps.


Thanks for your help

Can you tel me is there any way to read the Word or PDF documents and store the text it in a database field (ntext) . Is this is possible?

Thanks in advance



I think you have skipped design and is coding so you are complicating simple problems. The create table statement below comes from Microsoft new sample database AdventureWorks, you can store the files as Word or PDF on image columns but also use text to store the same files so you can use the Microsoft Full Text Index and do the key word search you want. What design do for you is look for alternative implementations which takes the complications out of the problem. Run a search for the AdventureWorks database on Microsoft site install it run tests and take the tables you need for your application. Hope this helps.

CREATE TABLE [ProductPhoto] (
[ProductPhotoID] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,
[ThumbNailPhoto] [image] NULL ,
[ThumbnailPhotoFileName] [nvarchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[LargePhoto] [image] NULL ,
[LargePhotoFileName] [nvarchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[ModifiedDate] [datetime] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_ProductPhoto_ModifiedDate] DEFAULT (getdate()),


Thanks Caddre for your help. It was a really long journey after i got your reply, when i got shifted totally from linked servers to FULL TEXT INDEXING in MICROSOFT SEARCH SERVICE. I had many problems to solve such as my FULL TEXT INDEXING was grayed out so i need to install DEVELOPER Edition on my System coz my O/S is Win XP Prof. I read many of your Posts regarding this topic. I personally thank u alot for your help which u have rendered in this field.

Thank you very much

|||What error are you getting?|||


Thanks for the complement and I am glad I could help.

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