Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Only select value once


How do I go about selecting some things once and others more than once?

This is what I have returning right now:

Pet Name Food

Dog Buster Kibbles and Bits

Dog Buster IAMS

Dog Buddy Kibbles and Bits

How can I return this?

Pet Name Food

Dog Buster Kibbles and Bits


Dog Buddy Kibbles and Bits

I just want to the dog's name to appear once. If it appears more than once have all subsequent appearences be NULL.

How would I do this?

You can do this in a query but why are you generating a report using SQL? It is not meant for that. The query will look complex depending on the version of SQL Server and perform slower than a simple SELECT statement. You will get better performance if you use the client to do the reporting functionality. Any standard reporting tool will have options to suppress repeating values like you want. So what are you doing with this data? Is there an application that is issueing the query?|||

I don't have a report returning...just data.

I just want to select the dog's name once if it is the same dog....

It is filling a datagrid.


The following query will work on SQL Server 2005,

But no guarantee on performance...

Code Snippet

Create Table #data (

[Pet] Varchar(100) ,

[Name] Varchar(100) ,

[Food] Varchar(100)


Insert Into #data Values('Dog','Buster','KibblesandBits');

Insert Into #data Values('Dog','Buster','IAMS');

Insert Into #data Values('Dog','Buddy','KibblesandBits');

;With Ordered



Select *, Row_number() Over(order By Pet) RowId from #data


, Grouped



Select * , Row_Number() Over(Partition By Pet,Name Order By RowID) as GroupId from Ordered


Select Pet,Case When GroupId=1 Then Name Else '' End,Food from Grouped Order By RowId

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